25 January 2024

Upcoming webinar: QUANTUM ESPRESSO on GPUs: Porting Strategy and Results

Organized by OpenACC Organization, the webinar will showcase Quantum ESPRESSO (QE), an open-source distribution of software code packages for materials simulation and modeling at the nanoscale. 

Date: 25 January, 2024

Time: 4pm CET 

Platform: Zoom

During the webinar, Fabrizio Ferrari Ruffino from the 'Istituto Officina dei Materiali' at the Italian National Council of Research (CNR-IOM) will present the status of QE porting, including the strategies to allow the coexistence of different offloading models. Several benchmark results from DFT self-consistent calculations and linear response will also be presented. 

Tune in online to learn about the current porting of QuantumESPRESSO onto heterogeneous architectures!

For more information about the webinar, please visit the dedicated event page.



Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme,  MaX is a Centre of Excellence for HPC Applications. Its mission is to promote exascale and extreme performance computing capabilities and to scale up existing parallel codes towards exascale scaling performance.   

As a coordinated effort of European leaders in the materials domain, prominent European HPC centres, technology partners, and training & communication experts, MAX proudly contributes to the long term EuroHPC strategy and community.  


Quantum ESPRESSO  

Developed under MAX, QE is the major open-source (set of) code(s) for quantum materials modelling using the plane-wave pseudopotential method. More details about the code can be found in its dedicated page.