N. G. Hoermann, Z. Guo, F. Ambrosio, O. Andreussi, A. Pasquarello, and N. Marzari
Monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides in the T′ phase could enable the realization of the...
C. Yu, Y. Li, M. Willans, Y. Zhao, K.R. Adair, F.P. Zhao, W.H. Li, S.X. Deng, J.W. Liang, M.N...
CINECA is looking for 3 researchers to be involved in the SC High Performance Computing for...
F. Pittino, P. Bonfà, A. Bartolini, F. Affinito, L. Benini, and C. Cavazzoni
H. Jia, B. Zimmermann, G. Michalicek, G. Bihlmayer, and S. Blügel
D. Varsano, LinkedIn 2017
J. Lawrence, P. Brandimarte, A. Berdonces-Layunta, M.S.G. Mohammed, A. Grewal, C.C. Leon, D...
G. Chiarotti, LinkedIn Pulse 2016
C. Chen, Y.X. Zuo, W.K. Ye, X.G. Li, Z. Deng, and S.P. Ong
Alkanol dehydration on Lewis acid–base pairs of transition metal oxide catalysts is a reaction of...
S.W. Li, C.M. Zhong, A. Henning, V.K. Sangwan, Q.F. Zhou, X.L. Liu, M.S. Rahn, S.A. Wells, H.Y...
J. Choi, M.J. Choi, J. Kim, F. Dinic, P. Todorovic, B. Sun, M.Y. Wei, S.W. Baek, S. Hoogland, F.P.G...
F. Lin, Y. Chen, L. Zhang, D.H. Mei, L. Kovarik, B. Sudduth, H.M. Wang, F. Gao, and Y. Wang
Event: Integration of ESL modules into electronic-structure codes Where: CECAM-HQ-EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland Who: Stefano De Gironcoli, Alberto garcia, Emilio Artacho What: Workshop When: 17-28 February 2020 More info, speakers and program are available here
Event: Integration of ESL modules into electronic-structure codes Where: CECAM-HQ-EPFL, Lausanne,...
Event: Hackathon: AiiDA plugins and workflows Where: CINECA (Bologna, IT) Who (in-charge): ICN2,...
W. Fu, J.S. Qiao, X.X. Zhao, Y. Chen, D.Y. Fu, W. Yu, K. Leng, P. Song, Z. Chen, T. Yu, S.J...
Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) have attracted much interest due to their largely modifiable electronic...
K. Vikrant, K.H. Kim, S. Kumar, and D.W. Boukhvalov
J.J.P. Peters, N.C. Bristowe, D. Rusu, G. Apachitei, R. Beanland, M. Alexe, and A.M. Sanchez
A post-doctoral position in the field of electronic-structure software development is available at...