Several postdoctoral position openings at CNR Istituto Nanoscienze , Modena (IT), within the frame...
Within the MaX framework, On January 14 Yambo and QE developers will meet at CINECA to discuss...
An AiiDA plugin migration workshop will be held at EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland, aiming at collecting...
Learning opportunity offered by the European Materials Modelling Council (EMMC). Free webinar “...
PASC19 is the sixth edition of the PASC Conference series, an international platform for the...
The 2019 Quantum ESPRESSO developers’ meeting will be held in SISSA , Trieste, on Jan. 7 and 8. The...
Dear MaX Partners, it’s time meet to start the new MaX EU project (n. 824143). We would like to...
Event: 1st TUMIEE Training School “Training young researchers on multidisciplinary approaches to...
Event: VASP and AiiDa Workshop [ info ] Where: Oslo (NO) Who (in-charge): Leopold Talirz (EPFL, CH...
Event: MSSC2019 Summer School [ info ] Where: Imperial College (London, GB) Who (in-charge): Andrea...
Training material Gitlab repository of the material for the Summer school Event: Summer School on...
Training material Lecture videos and slides Event: Picking flowers: Hands-on FLEUR [ info ] Where:...
Training material Lectures videos and material Event: Tutorial on writing reproducible workflows...
Event: Lavoisier discussions on “Quantum Simulation”[ info ] Where: ICN2 (ES) Who (in-charge):...
Training material Lecture videos Event: AiiDA plugins migration workshop[ info ] Where: Lausanne (...
Event: PRACE 15th Advanced School on Parallel Computing [ info ] Where: Bologna (IT) Who (in-charge...
Event: PRACE PCP DAVIDE OpenPower cluster: user experiences and scientific cases [ info ] Where:...
Event: Material Science codes on innovative HPC architectures: from electronic structure to spectra...
Event: MaX Hackathon [ info ] Where: Barcelona (ES) Who (in-charge): D. Varsano/A. Ferretti What:...