Andrea Ferretti works for CNR Nano Italy (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) , co-PI, CNR-NANO Researcher in the field of condensed-matter and solid-state physics, brought his views regarding the role and innovative contribution of CNR Nano Italy to MaX CoE.
Ivan Girotto works at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) as HPC application specialist . Ivan is co-director of numbers of international workshops and advanced schools, co-author of the Master in HPC curricula as well as a lecturer at the on-going program. His main activity at the ICTP remains to conduit and support the worldwide community to efficient research production on platforms for high-performance computing.
Prof. Elisa Molinari , MaX Director at CNR Nano at Modena in Italy, the Coordinator also of the second phase going forward enthusiastically highlights during the recent MaX Kick-off Meeting, 13-14 December 2018, in Modena (IT).
MaX Centre for Material Design to eXascale will be part of the first FOCUS CoE workshop that will be held in Frankfurt, Germany on the 21st of February 2019 , wherein all the ten (10) new Centres of Excellence (CoEs) for computing applications will be present. This workshop aims to address specific CoE support activities and interaction opportunities across all the Centre of Excellence.
Prof. Stefaan Cottenier is a professor at the materials science division of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Ghent University and member of the Centre of Molecular Modelling.
Tutorial on writing reproducible workflows for computational materials science @EPFLwill be held on 21-24 May 2019 in EPFL.
AiiDA ( Automated Interactive Infrastructure and Database for Computational Science) is one of the flagship code of H2020 Materials design at the exascale – Centre of Excellence (MaX’s CoE) , 2015 -2018 result, created in partnership with NCCR MARVEL .
Several postdoctoral position openings at CNR Istituto Nanoscienze , Modena (IT), within the frame of the MaX - MAterials design at the eXascale - Centre of Excellence.
Yambo and Quantum Espresso developers will meet at CINECA on January 14, 2019.
An AiiDA plugin migration workshop will be held at EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland, aiming at collecting about 20 participants. The workshop will start on Monday 25th March at 2PM and end on Friday 29th March at 1PM.
A learning opportunity offered by the European Materials Modelling Council (EMMC) , free webinar "Introductions to Standards in Software Development for Beginners" on 18th January 2019.
PASC19 is the sixth edition of the PASC Conference series, an international platform for the exchange of competences in scientific computing and computational science, with a strong focus on methods, tools, algorithms, application challenges, and novel techniques and usage of high-performance computing. Deadline for paper submission: 15 January 2019: Second (and final) rolling deadline for new submissions (NO EXTENSIONS!)
The 2019 Quantum ESPRESSO developers' meeting will be held in SISSA , Trieste, on Jan. 7 and 8 .
E4 COMPUTER ENGINEERING SP VIA Martiri Della Liberta 66, Scandiano, 42019, Italy
ARM LIMITED, Research Department 110 FULBOURN ROAD, CAMBRIDGE, CB1 9NJ, United Kingdom
One of the most relevant event ever in nanotechnologies is NanoInnovation . Following the success of the previous three editions, this year’s international conference will take place on 11-14 June 2019 at the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering, “Sapienza” University in Rome, Italy. The event aims to promote the exchange of knowledge and expertise between several fields of application.