05 April 2019

CECAM Summer School on Classical Molecular Dynamics for Material Science, Nanotechnology and Biophysics @ SISSA

Date: June 10 – June 21 2019, Sissa-Trieste | Italy 

The School is primarily intended for undergraduate students in Physics or Chemistry who wish to become familiar with up-to-date Molecular Dynamics simulation techniques. 
Due to recent technical problems on the Cecam site, the application deadline has been extended to April 19! 

The list of lecturers and tutors include Giovanni Bussi, Ali Hassanali (ICTP), Alessandro Laio, Gianluca Lattanzi (Uni Trento), Angelo Rosa, and Mark Tuckerman (NYU). 

The purpose of the School is threefold: 

(i) providing undergraduate students with a basic but detailed overview of the theoretical foundations of classical molecular dynamics methods; 
(ii) giving an overview of the domains of interesting applications; 
(iii) providing the basics for writing and running in practice simple molecular simulations. 

Major details about the School and how to apply can be found at the official CECAM website